31 October (Monday)
Video on Demand
Digital Finance: The Next Frontier for the Rest of the Decade by Professor Douglas Arner
Hong Kong as a Hub for Virtual Asset Investors: What You Need to Know with guest Angelina Kwan
Building a Bridge with CBDC with guest Benedicte Nolens
1 November (Tuesday)
FinTech and Retail Investment of Generation Z
(In-Person / Online 4:00 - 5:30 PM HKT)
2 November (Wednesday)
CBDC - Technology, Privacy, Security and Tracking Illegal Activities (In-Person / Online 3:30 - 4:30 PM HKT)
Roundtable on Developing Hong Kong as an International Virtual Asset Centre – The Road Ahead (In-Person / Online 4:30 - 6:00 PM HKT)
Digital Finance: The Next Frontier for the Rest of the Decade

Looking Back, Looking Forward - HKU Fintech Day 2022 Special Edition
In our special edition of Looking Back Looking Forward, Professor Arner highlights the developments in digital finance and what it means in the coming years. Amidst uncertainty in geopolitical conflicts and market volatilities, what challenges lie ahead? Will regulatory initiatives prove effective as digital assets’ influence gains traction? How can new technologies drive innovation onwards?

Building a Bridge with CBDC
As part of our HKU FinTech Day 2022 Special, Bank for International Settlements’ Innovation Hub Hong Kong Centre head Bénédicte Nolens discuss the successful completion of the central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot scheme which the BIS spearheaded – and which involved the governments of Hong Kong, the PRC, the UAE, and Thailand.
As cloud computing raises concerns about governing data and privacy, Bénédicte also emphasized the need for legal talent to pursue computer science qualifications in order to take on the evolving language of coding within new technologies.
Topics discussed also included women-led management in the finance and legal sectors, work-life balance during the COVID-19 pandemic and more.

Hong Kong as a Hub for Virtual Asset Investors: What You Need to Know
This HKU FinTech Day 2022 Special episode of Regulatory Ramblings features a full conversation with Angelina Kwan, CPA, CA (Aus/NZ), about Hong Kong’s just-off-the-press policy announcements to help pave the way for the city to become a global hub in virtual asset trading, Web3 and Fintech as a whole. Angelina talked about how and what such an ambitious goal will require, along with the pitfalls, the need for investor protection and why the initiative matters to young people and for Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre.
You can listen to Angelina through our podcasts with links on our webpage:
1 Nov | 4 - 5:30 pm (HKT) - FinTech and Retail Investment of Generation Z
2 Nov | 3:30-4:30 pm (HKT) - CBDC - Technology, Privacy, Security and Tracking Illegal Activities
2 Nov | 4:30-6 pm (HKT) - Roundtable on Developing Hong Kong as an International Virtual Asset Centre – the Road Ahead